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LARP-like experience "The Good", "The Bad" ang "The Ungly" (gyvo veiksmo vaidmenų žaidimas)
LARP-like experience "The Good", "The Bad" ang "The Ungly" (gyvo veiksmo vaidmenų žaidimas)
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Tiesiog praneškite mums, kad atvyksite, paspausdami mygtuką "vyksta" , facebook'e LARP-like experience "The Good", "The Bad" and "The Ugly" | Facebook , ir suplanuokite savo kelionę arba susisiekite su Alex'u (tel. +37062958843), jei turite ypatingų dalykų, kuriuos norite atsivežti į žaidimą, arba specialių poreikių, į kuriuos norėtumėte atkreipti dėmesį.
Taip pat - https://t.me/+mXZc7v5tI6szOGI0
1 veiksmas "The good" prasidės lygiai 12.00 val. rugpjūčio 23 d. ir baigsis 18.00 val. tą pačią dieną. Pasibaigus veiksmui - žaidėjai galės rinktis, ar likti salone ir toliau semtis patirties, žaisti teminius stalo žaidimus ir pokalbius, ar keliauti į miestą ir mėgautis Visagino country festivaliu.
2 veiksmas "The Bad" yra pagrindinis žaidimo veiksmas, kuris prasidės rugpjūčio 24 d. lygiai 11.00 val. ir baigsis tą pačią dieną 18.00 val. Pasibaigus veiksmui - žaidėjai galės rinktis, ar likti salone ir toliau semtis patirties, žaisti teminius stalo žaidimus ir pokalbius, ar keliauti į miestą ir mėgautis Visagino country festivaliu.
3 veiksmas "The Ungly" prasidės lygiai 10.00 val. rugpjūčio 25 d. ir baigsis 16.00 val. tą pačią dieną.
Kostiumų tipai - tai bet kokie kostiumai nuo 1910 m.
A lot of time has passed, and the city was apparently abandoned.
A completely new group of strangers arrives, with a set of valid questions.
What happened here, where is everyone, who runs this place now.
Nobody will answer, nobody possibly can.
It is up to you, travellers, to pick up the cards, straighten the chairs, figure out the patterns and solve the mysteries.
What will you do?
What can you do?
Your move.
We understand that distant players might not join this episode due to travel distances, so this act is less engaging and more, for the lack of word -“simple”.
Act 2 “The Bad” is the main act of the game and will start at exactly 11.00 on august 24 and end at 18.00 same day. After the act ends - players can again choose to stay in saloon for further experience, thematic board games and chats, or travel to the city to enjoy “Visagino Country Festival”
Act 3 “The Ugly” will start at exactly 10.00 on august 25 and end at 16.00 same day. It’s early, we know, but this way the players from Latvia can return to Daugavpils for the last train to Riga at 17.37, and players from Lithuania can get the 18.23 train to Vilnius. We value you and wish to squeeze maximum gameplay from this trip.
Also - https://t.me/+mXZc7v5tI6szOGI0
Costume types are anything from 1910 and down the history line. The game world will be more clear with future updates, but be sure - any epoch costumes will work here. The Wild west setting is just the locale where worlds happen to collide.
Expect live music, vinyl soundtracks, artistic theatre moments, collection of bestiary literature, puzzles, actual working saloon, cold water from the spring, tasty fresh snacks, well dressed people, interesting gameplay, plenty of freedom of acting, a smoking lounge, a live artist drawing portraits, a campfire, manuals of ancient technology, pinhole photography, broken economic systems, an amazing postman, beautiful garden, shouting crowds of villagers, a wild selection of documents to go through, a silent library experience, an art gallery, a library of actual magical books, and some more minor bits and pieces.